Gnanadharshan has identified 8 areas in which candidates of the Life Star programme can be groomed.
Language Skills:
One of the key skills to be developed for visually challenged people is speaking proficiently in multiple languages. This skill will help candidates in multiple ways
- Become knowledgeable by gathering information, news from around the country and world
- Leverage proficiency in language to earn jobs
- Conduct coaching classes to those desirous of learning the language
- Possible opportunities in Help Desk, Call Centres that do not require visual ability
- Take up jobs as translators in Hospitals, Railway Stations, etc
- Campaign to housewives, young children to teach them English or Hindi
Considering that English is widely accepted within Tamil Nadu and Hindi across India, it
might be good to attain proficiency in these two languages both to improve one’s
self confidence as well as to increase job opportunities.
Computer Operations:
In today’s world computers are used by pretty much every person. Visually challenged people are fortunately, not left behind. With aid of software like JAWS, they can use computers too.
Given this background, it is important to have the candidates trained on computer operations so that they can adapt themselves to using modern technology.
Psychology and General Knowledge:
Visually challenged people face lots of hardship in life, more so with women. They tend to go through emotional troughs and tend to accept challenges as fate. In order to give them a forward looking outlook in life, a basic course on Psychology will help in understanding people and mindsets. Combined with General
Knowledge, candidates will get the opportunity to know worldly things around them. While on one side it will help candidates in believing in themselves, on the other side they can explore job opportunities in organisations like “Sneha” which offer counselling for people with depression and other psychological
problems. By quoting examples of their own lives, the visually challenged can become a source of inspiration for those with the gift of vision.
Nothing soothes the mind better than melodious music. As part of Life Star, all candidates will be trained in music, either vocal or instrumental. In order to get their fundamentals right, the training will be based on traditional carnatic music. Candidates can use their skills in music either as a favourite hobby or to entertain friends and family or form music troupe and get commercial. As with Language skills, they can also campaign to housewives and young children to teach them carnatic music.
If Music soothes the mind, Yoga helps you being fit as a fiddle. Health is wealth, so goes the adage and what better way to attain good health than Yoga. Yoga not only helps in aligning body and mind, but also helps in keeping all faculties active and agile. As improving quality of life is a key objective of the Life Star Program, Yoga will serve as a key vehicle in that direction.
There are several handicraft skills that one can use to generate income. Among the activities that a visually challenged person can handle, cane and straw weaving are possibly easiest to handle. These skills can be used in small time manufacture of chairs, baskets, etc. As part of the Life Star programme, Goodwill will continue to explore other skills (e.g. knitting) that will be beneficial to Visually Challenged women and include them in the programme as needed.
Home Essentials:
Every home maker has challenges and has to deftly handle the pressure at home. Keeping in line with the objective of Life Star programme to help candidates be self sufficient, a basic course in Home Essentials is being planned. The objective is to familiarise candidates to cooking, operating gas/electric
stoves, housekeeping, safety measures and precautions while in the kitchen.